JD Kelly Floors
With over 40 years of experience in the building industry, J D Kelly Floors can provide a number of services to fit your requirements.
Thermal Insulations
We can help you with calculations to achieve the U-Values you require in your floor.
Sound Insulations
We offer to help you achive good sound insulative properties and can often offer cheaper alternatives to achieve Robust Detail.
Membrane Installations
We provide and install using NVQ Level 2 qualified installers for you Gas Membrane requirements.
We have been working in the building industry for 40 years plus, JD Kelly having started the business of screeding supplying to all companies through the years. Eventually installing insulations both for heat insulation for required Uvalues and for sound insulation to robust detail. Offering alternatives to products where available in order to save our clients money.
We have our own plant ( Screed Pumps ) using trusted sub contractors to enable an efficient workflow. This would involve site meetings, pre site checks, installing insulations ahead of screeders for a smoother transition, eliminating waiting on site for materials one way or another.
Here you can see installed materials used for "Membranes', "Sound Insulations", "Heat Insulations" & Screeds layed according to specification!
Membrane Installations
We offer membrane product installation that are specifically designed to protect against hazardous gas emissions of which Radon, Methane, Carbon Dioxide and Hydrocarbon gas are the most common.
We have NVQ Level 2 qualified membrane installer who recently gained this from an upskilling course through CITB and previous experience in the field. Combined with NVQ Level 2 Floorscreeding qualification, with CSCS certificate, giving us an advantage of fitting and covering the membrane under the same company banner, saving time and mediation to get men on site.
We use Leister Twinny Membrane Welders where possible, also Leister Triac Hot Air gun as heat is essential to good fusion even with butyl tape jointed systems. Installing BBA Certified Gas Membranes that are fit for purpose and designed to meet standards in Ciria C665 and BS 8485. Forming corners and tophats on site around existing penetrations.
We can provide an 'Apron' and later a 'Fill in' detail
Apron – where at DPM level we supply and fit to detail of brickwork and internal brickwork a line of membrane to detailed standards thus allowing work to continue on structure, however as much care as possible needs to be taken to protect installed membrane from damage by other trades, can be as simple as plywood sheeting cut to protect on floor.
Fill in – where we meet up to existing apron and complete the task before validation. Working to provide a competent and complete package if required.